Ep. 12: King Kong Ain't Got Nothing on Me! - Who's Really in Control?

The power struggle for control can derail progress with your money. In any relationship, there could be a challenge trying to understand roles and responsibilities. But if that turns into a tug of war for power problems can ensue.

This week's episode dives into this critical pieces to your financial success including boundary setting. Don't allow the quest for power to impact your relationship negatively.

Our website: www.forbetterandworth.com

Get Ericka's book, Naked and Unashamed: 10 Money Conversations Every Couple Must Have

Connect with us:

Instagram: @forbetterandworth

Ericka: @erickayoungofficial

Chris: @1cbyoung


Ep. 13: Could we have gotten out of debt faster?


Bonus: Managing Money For Better and Worth