Ep. 14: I'm In My Bag, Just Not That One!

Luxury and name brands matter to some people. But, this can be a hurdle to accomplishing your long-term financial goals. In this episode, we talk about what really matters most.

This was one of the most popular topics from our interview with Anthony O'Neal on the Table. Listeners couldn't believe what Ericka said. We recap and dive deeper into the conversation.

Check out the original interview with Anthony O'Neal here.

Our website: www.forbetterandworth.com

Get Ericka's book, Naked and Unashamed: 10 Money Conversations Every Couple Must Have

Connect with us:

Instagram: @forbetterandworth

Ericka: @erickayoungofficial

Chris: @1cbyoung


Ep 15: What is Your Definition of Wealth?


Ep. 13: Could we have gotten out of debt faster?