Ep 7: Kids are expensive! Should you wait to have kids until you are “financially prepared?”

Kids cost money and a lot of it!  There is a common thought that people need to wait until they reach certain financial milestones before they have children.  Listen as Chris and Ericka share how their parenting journey began.  From tackling debt, managing emotions, and handling diversions you will hear several ways they made it work no matter what.

Our website: www.forbetterandworth.com

Get Ericka's book, Naked and Unashamed: 10 Money Conversations Every Couple Must Have

Connect with us:

Instagram: @forbetterandworth

Ericka: @erickayoungofficial

Chris: @1cbyoung


Ep 8: It’s time to get Naked… with your Money and your Honey that is!


Ep 6: Don’t talk about the numbers first! Your money past could be holding you back.