Money fights aren’t sexy.
Learn how to have a healthy net worth and a happy, lasting relationship.

Money fights aren’t sexy.

Learn how to have a healthy net worth and a happy, lasting relationship.

Put the spice back into your relationship.
Get naked with your finances by learning how to have open honest conversations.
Finances aren’t boring. People are boring. Get your spouse on board by creating a fun, judgement-free environment where you can both thrive financially.
Working as a team when managing your money doesn’t have to feel like rocket science. Learn easy tactical tools that will help you and your spouse get on the same page financially.
Chris & Ericka
Chris has mastered the art of the deal as a business and sales professional for 20+ years. Ericka has helped 500+ clients and various corporate audiences get real and naked with money for 18 years. Together they have leveraged this corporate and real-world experience for their own bottom line. Most importantly, Chris and Ericka have been married for nearly 25 years. Has it been a cakewalk? No, but their commitment to change their family tree is unwavering. They both grew up in single-parent households and didn’t have a lot of excess money to go around.
As a result, they wanted to provide a more stable foundation for their two daughters. Seeing eye-to-eye and getting on the same page isn’t always easy. It is, however, completely worth the effort. Having open and honest conversations is the necessary ingredient that builds a solid foundation for financial success AND a healthy marriage. Chris and Ericka have successfully become millionaires, helped one daughter graduate from college debt-free and the other one is on her way. Through their podcast, For Better & Worth, they are here to show you that a healthy net worth and a happy, lasting relationship is possible.
Ready to talk money with your honey?
Have you been approaching money conversations wrong? Find out by downloading our guide.
“I feel like Chris and Ericka have invited to sit at their dining room table and learn about how to have a lasting, loving relationship AND take care of my money, too. They are wise, fun, deeply in love, and clearly called to help other couples.”
Rose Lounsbury, Apple Podcast
“Love the way you two are transparent about your financial journey. Often times that is an issue that could damper a marriage or relationship. Thank you for sharing and I look forward to hearing about your financial experience.”
1911DP, Apple Podcast
“I was praying for a podcast that will bring value to my marriage and God guided me to The Table with AO and I watched you guys on the show. I love your relationship and I can't wait to have a new outlook on finances and marriage!”
MiriLouJC, Apple Podcast

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“I feel like Chris and Ericka have invited to sit at their dining room table and learn about how to have a lasting, loving relationship AND take care of my money, too. They are wise, fun, deeply in love, and clearly called to help other couples.”
Rose Lounsbury, Apple Podcast